20230930 — Interconnected Form [Project Roadmap Update 2023 09] — HaikuPrajna

Capturing All things, // deconstructing every Source, // structuring One’s path.

Allen W. McLean
3 min readOct 1, 2023

Capturing All things, // deconstructing every Source, // structuring One’s path.

… Interconnected Form — HaikuPrajna [Project Roadmap Update 2023 09]

Read online https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/10/20230930-interconnected-form-project.html

Hello reader,

Welcome to the Autumn 2023 HaikuPrajna Project Roadmap Update!

Things are different for this quarter, where all of the content you expect from these Updates is now part of a larger APRILandALLEN’s Project Roadmap, itself comprised of my haiku poetry prompt “The HaikuPrajna Challenge”, our Patron-exclusive galleries “APRILandALLEN’s Roadmap” and “APRILandALLEN’s Art Works, Book Merch and Clay Quirks”, and our up-and-coming Arcade and Playlists; go read this APRILandALLEN’s Project Roadmap over at https://APRILandALLEN.square.site/ in ebook, paperback and online, where the website itself is the current up-to-date Project Roadmap!

Thanks to you, I am a VERIFIED BOOK AUTHOR and over THREE-THOUSAND (3000!) readers have joined us online; join the growing list of readers at haikuprajna.medium.com/subscribe

I share public book reviews, new book releases and April’s music videos for all subscribed readers!

As we settle into our new Project Roadmap Updates, the APRILandALLEN website will begin to see new features such as comprehensive lists of the projects we have shared, including sections for music, art, books and reviews to provide easier viewing for both our readers and ourselves — as always, I enjoy using these quarterly Updates to refocus my tendencies toward the Source of this habit, which continues to influence how I approach both writing and reading.

Find features such as Upcoming and Recent Releases in the HaikuPrajna page at https://APRILandALLEN.square.site/

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean

Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?

All readers get an eBook each week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays — short stories rotate every month, follow via email to collect them all! [ https://aprilandallen.square.site/ ]

Trailer [ https://youtu.be/AeXOtGrVa0Y ]

BATTLE Colosseum, the latest chapter in the “FLUKE!” series, has been released as a paperback novella and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Add to Goodreads and learn more [ https://aprilandallen.square.site/product/book-BATTLE_Colosseum/4 ]

Read Kindle ebooks on any device at www.read.amazon.com

Show support with Handmade Art Works, Book Merch, and Clay Quirks [ https://aprilandallen.square.site/ ]

Electric Armchair — After Party (Full Album) [ https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/electricarmchair/after-party ]

April’s psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms; Electric Armchair — The Forest Machine (Official Music Video) [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBv1egGSrJk ]

APRILandALLEN’s Project Roadmap is our photo book and video log series where subscribed Patreon readers have access to archives with photos, captions and videos which will be collected in future APRILandALLEN’s books — learn about our Patreon at patreon.com/asquaredproductions to submit to our public poetry prompt and view more free features.

230930 Project Roadmap https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/10/20230930-interconnected-form-project.html

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Electric Armchair https://linktr.ee/electricarmchair

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These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection.



Allen W. McLean
Allen W. McLean

Written by Allen W. McLean

Self-published author. Ontario, Canada. Metaphysical fiction. Scifaiku sci-fi haiku poetry. Book reviews. Alchemic Wisdom - Bite-sized Insights

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